Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Think You Cant Get a Job Think Again.

Think You Cant Get a Job Think Again.Think You Cant Get a Job Think Again.The only thing standing between you and your next job could be your negative thoughts.While coaching people in transition over the past two decades, Ive noticed a fascinating pattern of human behavior Job hunters have a tendency to adopt, and cling to, the limits of what they perceive to be their weakest link as a candidate. These are the pieces of your career and profile that you think are holding you back.To tap into your own limiting beliefs, or secret excuses, finish either of the following sentencesMy job search would be going better if it werent for Ill never get the job I want fruchtwein because No matter how optimistic you are, there is a good chance you have your own answer to either or both statements. Here are just a few of the limiting beliefs I hear fruchtweinIm too old. Companies want to hire younger workers.I dont have enough experience to get hired in that industry.Ive been out of the game too long. (This is a favorite among women who want to return to work after taking time off to raise children.)They only hire MBAs. (Substitute whatever advanced degree is applicable to your industry.)They only want people from Ivy League schools.Companies arent hiring. The economy still isnt that great.Some of these beliefs are easier to correct than others. Some are at least partly true.The Partial TruthI wish I could say that all hiring managers are open-minded and willing to look for potential beyond cookie-cutter credentials. We all know that isnt true. Worse, there are companies that discriminate on the basis of age, sex, religion and other factors beyond our control. It shouldnt happen, but it does. The problem occurs when you take what happens in some unfortunate circumstances and believe it will happen in ALL circumstances. In general, the more you make this logical leap, the more pessimistic you will become.According to psychologist Martin Seligman, Ph.D., author of Learned Opt imism, the most pessimistic among us adopt thought patterns that are personal, permanent and pervasive. This plays itself out in self-defeating thoughts like, Its me. Its going to last forever. And its going to impact everything I do.There are two ways to get beyond these thought patterns and limiting beliefs. While each technique can work on its own, the fastest, most effective strategy is to focus on both simultaneously.1. Rewire Your Thought PatternsBased on the way our minds are wired, once we start giving a thought attention, energy and focus, it becomes a more prominent part of our experience. At that point, evidence validating the thought seems to appear everywhere, and it becomes a belief. This phenomenon is an important part of what is known as the Law of Attraction.Fortunately, it is possible to change the way you think. But the correction takes practice because it requires you to reverse the method you used to create the beliefs. In other words, you actively have to seek evidence that contradicts your current worldview.For example, if you believe you wont get a job because companies dont hire older workers, challenge yourself to find examples of people older than you who have been hired recently. If you honestly cant think of anyone, start asking others. Before long you should have a few examples that prove your belief is not always true. Remember, it doesnt have to be completely true for this to work. After all, your goal isnt to eradicate age discrimination around the globe your goal is to convince a single company to hire you because you have the potential to positively impact its business.2. Deactivate Your Weakest LinkAt the same time that you are working on changing your thought patterns, you have another equally important task to improve the way you are marketing yourself.People with a secret excuse often dont push themselves hard enough in the self-assessment process because they are convinced it wont matter. This is the most dangerous thoug ht of all. Andrea, an unemployed event planner, recently explained to me why she wouldnt be able to get a job by saying, Everyone I know in this industry is either unemployed or afraid they are about to be.Not willing to accept this outlook, I challenged Andrea to demonstrate the reasons she was worth hiring. At that point, her resume was no help at all because it started out with three typical, generic bullet points Negotiated with unionsWorked with hotels and convention centersBooked speakersYawn. Yawn. And yawn again.If you are an event planner, thats your job Like most resumes, Andreas looked more like a job description than a compelling track record of accomplishment. Despite her limiting beliefs about the market, she proved to be quite coachable and worked hard to quantify her accomplishments.Once we uncovered the gold in Andreas background, we put together a table that highlighted her efforts. At a glance, hiring managers could now see that Andrea had planned events of up to 20,000 people. Better still, by consistently coming in at or under budget, she had saved her company $1 million over an eight-year period. That represents an average annual savings of $125,000 $50,000 more than her salary In other words, she is an investment, not an expense.Despite Andreas limiting beliefs about her employment prospects, she had a job within three weeks of adding the table to her resume. Why? Because people could look at her and think, Wow If Andrea can do that for her last company, think what she could do for us.Andreas story is one of my favorites because it clearly demonstrates the power we all have to deactivate our limiting beliefs. Its a process that takes time, but I promise it is worth the effort.

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